About the Author

Anna works full-time for DaySpring from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and four kids. Anna is the author of A Moment of Christmas and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, and she shares the good stuff of the regular, encouraging you to see the ordinary glory in your everyday.

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  1. Madeline says

    Oh, Anna. How lovely to begin my day reading this. I am always in awe of the miracle of the beautiful sunsets here in Maine, the snowflakes, the lone leaf on an otherwise barren tree. I think about how we need to stop and smell the roses and take in the majesty of God’s creation more often. So many miracles around us. It has been a particularly difficult week here for a dear friend and her husband from my church. The miracle of how they finally got a bed for her husband in Boston, how they got an ambulance to transport him there, etc, etc. These were all miracles because they were so many moments when it looked as though all was lost. I look forward to more miracles today!

    • Maura says

      Madeline, I hope you don’t mind if I use your last sentence on the whiteboard that I have by my door. Each week I write an inspirational quote or Bible verse so I see it when I leave my house and can enter the world with positive thoughts and feelings. I too look forward to more miracles.

  2. Sherry Jahn says

    Thank you so much to my niece Abby for sending me this link. This is so me, from being a Vikings fan to my love of snow. I think of God’s miracles every day. From waking up each day to the birth of my daughter (28 years ago). These are only a couple examples of many miracles God has given me. I am so very blessed.

  3. Beverly Zenor says

    I love this. We are all adults in my family but we are all football and have been all the while my kids were growing up. It has been a bonding experience. I teared up watching that clip of the play. You are so right, God gives us miracles everyday. Let’s be open to His blessings! Thank you for your sweet analogy!

  4. Betsy Basile says

    Dear Anna………..I just loved your words today as I have recognized these 10 second miracles so many times in my so far 77 year life. An odd part for me anyway is that sometimes you don’t think of those as miracles until you think back about what you were doing. God does work in his timeline and sometimes we need to wait, but all of a sudden something happens that you were not expecting, but later, you Knew it was God answering one of your prayers, maybe said some years ago, but a miracle anyway. We really need to pay attention to what is going on in our life as we may think that what happened to us today, we may have thought, “Finally” I did something right, when later when we have time to sit down and relax, it wasn’t something we did, it was what I like to call a Godwink which if you have ever watched Hallmark movies, especially around Christmas they do movies based on real life stories and a Godwink is not a coincidence , actually “a Divine Intervention”. I have spoken to many people about these and encouraged them to really THINK about their day and what happened, and many of them had come back to me and told me, I never really thought about it that way. Many think that Miracles are always something big like someone being very sick and not expected to live, but they did. That did happen to me back in 2000 when I was in a drug induced coma due to a doctor giving me the wrong medication and I coded. The doctor told my then husband that I would not survive the night, but sometime during this horrible experience, Jesus appeared to me with my Holy Spirit and Jesus told me that it was not my time, as I had so much to give to other people ; however, the Holy Spirit was whispering in my ear, but Betsy, you must fight, fight, fight. Jesus will give you strength, but you need to not give up. Many people that go to church and read the Bible have not believed me and said it was just a dream, but I know what it was and here I am reading your words and commenting. I’m not sure why they think it was just a dream. I would not make something like that up. So, Anna, I wish to thank you for your devotional today and reminding me of these wonderful things that can happen to you as a “10 second Miracle” that you may not recognize it as that, but these things as you draw closer to God, really do. Bless you for having your children that you and your husband really wanted. I am sure you are wonderful parent to those children and that is so important with the world being what it is these days. Have a Blessed weekend and thanks again for sharing your wisdom and words with us…………….Betsy Basile

  5. says


    Thank you for sharing… Listening open my eyes to see more 10 second miracles today! Just had to share it on Pinterest.

    Sending you joy on this Friday,

    Lisa Wilt

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