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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Wonderful reminder of what is behind this season. As one who has simplified all the expectations and the work, I can say it is truly a relief to focus on the meaning of Christmas.

  2. Dear Kristen……….Words that remind those of us that do feel so tired right now. Wait for Christmas to find us, and it will as in 2 days we can really do what is the most important part of this season – “Celebrate the birth of Jesus and what it has meant to us over all the years. ” I wish all of you that comment and all of the (in)courage women that always give us devotions that help us to get through the day, a wonderful Merry Christmas with relatives and loved ones and we should all pray that the New Year helps the world which is upside down right now to somehow straighten out the differences that exist and that our own government can again become a compromising government and not just Republicans and Democrats. Love to all of you……Betsy Basile

  3. Kristin,

    YES! I agree. Advent can become so rushed we lose Christ in the chaos and get ditched with the devil in the details. (I write about this often because I find myself in a maze of want-to-dos and have-to-dos.)

    Sending you Advent peace,

    Lisa Wilt

  4. Thank you, Kristin, my heart found your words very timely!
    Made me take some slow, deep breaths and smile at the baby Jesus’ coming!