Marie Chan
About the Author

Marie Chan writes about connecting deeply with Christ and community through life’s challenges. She is an adoptive mom and leads an adoption support group focused on trauma-informed parenting. Marie lives in California with her husband, two children with a third in heaven, and their giant 12-pound rabbit.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Amen! Thank you for reminding us that God alone is our safe place, and He longs to comfort and take care of us if we will allow and depend on Him.

  2. Thank you, Marie, for the reminder that God is near even when evil strikes. “They continued to cling to God, instead of their fears.” What a testimony! Thank you for the reminder that nothing can separate us from his love and that the anchor of truth holds even in the worst storms. May God continue to bring hope and healing. ❤️‍

  3. Great encouragement to count to God instead of fear. When illness strikes like the pandemic churches who stay open are so helpful to ripping us in the joy of the Lord in the midst of strife. Corinthians tells us that love always protects. So some people having knowledge of how to protect others in church is a blessing.

    • I am glad you were encouraged to place your faith in God’s strength, instead of fear. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

  4. Marie thank you for sharing this. We all can look at all that going on in our world today. Look at Man that want to destroy it. They don’t care about the pain and hurt they cause. I hear about on the News about other shooting in other parts the world Families left in sadness. I go into prayer for them and Man that does this. Because of the shootings in that part of the world because of Man who does not care about life that our Lord gave us and people who lost someone else to them. People can blame God say why God did you let this happen. It was not God’s fault. It was Man doing wrong and not caring who get hurt or what devastation and sadness they cause. God see all. We that are saved are to Pray for them that cause this pain. That they will change their lives around find the one true saviour Jesus. Stop all the hurt sadness and pain they are causing people. We have ask God to be with the people left in sadness. That he God will draw close to them and they will know God is close to them. We also have to ask God to give us the faith and peace at times like this when things like this happen. Let us remember as Psalm 23 verse 1 & 4 says. “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil For you are with me. Your rod and staff they comfort Me.” How true theses two verse are for us. Especially in times like this. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

    • Thank you Dawn for praying for these families who have experienced so much grief and loss. Truly, the Lord is our shepherd who comforts us.

  5. Marie,

    So sorry for the tragedy that you & your church family endured. Asking God to comfort everyone. Evil lurks all around us. Yet God is in the midst of it all too. In the midst of our trials & tribulations we need to put our hope & trust in Jesus. He alone can give us a sense of peace.

    Blessings 🙂

  6. Such a raw and honest look at the horrifying realities of life. Thank you for sharing your perspective and for allowing us to enter your processing of such a terrible event. Thank you for bringing to light that our peace is found in God’s presence, not in places on earth. That deeply touched me. Blessings to you!